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Summer 2022 Update from Larry Jr


Hi everybody! It’s me, your friend Larry Jr. My parents are here too and they are helping me write an update for the Larry Prout Jr Courage Fund website.

I hope everyone is doing great and having an awesome summer!

Since our last page update, I have been recovering from the surgeries on both my feet. Everything has gone great, except after my casts came off I had some pressure sores and infections. One is right on the bottom of my foot so it is really hard to heal. I am taking my antibiotics and being careful. I start PT this week.

Want to hear something crazy? I got a tattoo for my birthday! My friend Gwen took my sister Katie and I for birthday tattoos! My tattoo is the medical symbol in honor of my medical team and for healing and surviving some crazy medical stuff! I love my tattoo!

I went to two fundraisers. One called Event on Main, the Charles Woodson Research Fund for Mott Hospital, and another for the new Children’s Healing Center at Mott Hospital.

I have had two fundraisers for my nonprofit during June.

I did a Facebook birthday fundraiser and a huge garage sale. Many people from the community and from other local nonprofits donated items for us to sell and even came to our sale to volunteer and buy things. After the garage sale, my birthday fundraiser and a very generous grant from the Stein Family Foundation, and Wolverine Alumni and current Cleveland Brown, Donovan Peoples-Jones' Limitless Foundation, we have over $22,000 to help kids and their families at Mott Hospital!

We are still waiting for the money to be deposited from the Facebook birthday fundraiser to the nonprofit account. We learned that that can take up to 2 ½ months to arrive.

We also helped our first family. A 15 year old, very kind and brave girl at Mott hospital who is fighting cancer. I can’t give her name cuz that is private! The Guest Assistant Program Social Workers, Palliative Care Team and other medical friends of mine at Mott, are going to help connect families who need emergency financial support to our webpage, so they can fill out the grant application and we can help them.

My friend gave me 4 original artworks by Marc Chagall and Mom and my sister Stephanie, who is the NP treasurer and I, are going to the Detroit Institute of Arts to get them appraised. My friend said we can sell them and all the money will go to help families at Mott! I am very grateful to my friend and everyone who has helped our nonprofit grow and help kids!

There are many reasons we started this nonprofit. The first is, with 6 children, and both me and Dad having serious medical conditions, we were always lucky to have help from family, friends and even strangers. Things were always very hard, and we couldn’t have survived without this help. We want to help facilitate help for families like we have been helped.

My team at Mott Hospital; the doctors, nurses, child life, social workers and therapists and all the medical staff help me to stay alive and live a full life. I am so grateful to them, that I want to give back to other patients at Mott.

My friend Gwen. My friend Gwen has the biggest heart of anyone I know. She is my friend. She helps so many people. And she does it because she is full of love.

Another reason is we love nonprofits. The Arc of Livingston County (Michigan) and Team Impact are two very important nonprofits that have made a huge impact on my life and lives of many other people.

The Arc helped advocate for me when I entered elementary school and needed a one on one aid to assist me. The Arc has helped me learn to advocate for myself and fostered my love of volunteering for nonprofits.

Team Impact is the amazing nonprofit in Boston, Ma that matches kids who battle through chronic, complex, life threatening medical issues, with NCAA teams. I was the luckiest kid to be matched with Michigan Football. Team Impact and Michigan Football changed my life. I have amazing relationships with many really great people because of Team Impact. In fact, 3 of the members of our nonprofit board are best friends I made from the Michigan Football Team! JT, John and Grant!

Our nonprofit team has a goal of raising $50,000 by the end of this year, and every year, to help patients and families at Mott Hospital. We have many ideas, like a 5K, that we are going to start working on.

If you want to donate, there is a donation button on the Larry Prout Jr Courage Fund webpage. But only if you are able!

The most important thing I ask of everyone is, please share my webpage. If you know a patient at Mott whose family is struggling, please tell them they can go to our webpage and email us. We want to help ease the financial stress and pain these families go through. We know what it is like!

Thank you everybody! See you all later!

Your friend, Larry Prout Jr

With Mom and Dad

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Josh Wells
Josh Wells
Sep 04, 2022

Congratulations on your fundraising! We are impressed and would love to help, just let us know what we can do! From Noah Wells and Family


The Larry Prout Jr. (The Bear) Courage Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Federal Tax ID: #87-3726445

© 2023 The Larry Prout Jr. (The Bear) Courage Fund

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