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The Ups and Downs

Updated: Feb 27

Hello everyone, Happy New Year! I hope everyone is healthy and happy.

The last 3 months for our family have been full of highs and lows.

Over the holidays, my brother and sister-in-law lost their twin boys. Elliot passed away first just before the twins were born and Calvin died in my mom's arms on December 23 when we were visiting him in the NICU at Mott. We have been so sad. My heart breaks for my family. My dad had to make a trip to the E.R. due to his liver disease issues getting bad. I have been having pain in my abdomen that has been getting worse every day and one of my club feet has started to turn black. I have many doctor appointments this month to try to find out what is going on with me at Mott Children's and Boston Children's on zoom. I will be in good hands.

It has been hard to keep my spirits up, but then I think about all the families at Mott that have children who are going through life-threatening illnesses and who are so scared every day. This helps me to keep going. Helping other people helps me through my pain. I think of everyone who has donated to my non-profit to help these families, the volunteers who give their time, and the medical staff that takes care of them. I am grateful. I will keep fighting to help others.

Some of the better news, I have participated as a model for the Arc of Livingston County, Michigan. This is my 17th year modeling and helping them to raise money for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. One of my best friends, J.T. Rogan, returned to the fashion show again this year to model with me and serve as the auctioneer. We tore up the runway! JT is also on The Larry Prout Jr (The Bear) Courage Fund board.


Because of all of you, as of today, The Larry Prout Jr (The Bear) Courage fund has helped over 65 families for more than $70,000. These families have a child or young adult with chronic, life-threatening illnesses, who have to make many trips to Mott Hospital, or stay there for a long time, for treatments, surgeries, and illnesses. I am grateful!

I still work at The Uptown Coffee Shop in Howell Michigan for Lorna. I love my job. I work Tuesday and Thursday from noon to 12:30. Then I get too sore and have to stop. I love my job and my friends and Lorna at the coffee shop.

We are in the beginning stages of planning our next 5k. Last year's 5k was a huge success! Thank you to all who ran, donated, volunteered and helped spread the word about the 5k. Thank you Pinckney Community Schools for hosting it again this year!! The 5k will be at the same venue which was the Pathfinder-Navigator campus in Pinckney. This year we are thinking of adding a 10k to our 5k and 1-mile fun run. Stay tuned for more details regarding our 5k!

Congratulations to the U of M Football Team for winning the college football national championship! I'm going to miss Jim and Sarah and their family, and I am grateful to them for sponsoring my non-profit 5k last year and for all they have done for me and my family. They help so many in our community. I wish them the best of luck!

Congratulations to the Detroit Lions for a great season! I was able to watch one of the Detroit Lion’s playoff games with two more of my best friends, Grant and Coco Newsome! Grant coaches at Michigan and is also on our non-profit board. I had so much fun!

Another of my best friends, John O'Korn who is also on our board, donated a pair of his cleats from when he was quarterback at the University of Michigan to help us raise more money to help kids and families at Mott. I am grateful to John! We have an awesome board!

Your friend, Bear Larry Jr


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